Welcome to the Serius Desktop Programming Demonstration.
Due to limited disk space, some of the files on this disk are stored in a compressed format as a single application entitled “Serius Compacted” which must be copied to your hard disk and decompressed. Once the “Serius Compacted” application is on your hard disk, double-clicking on it will automatically begin the process of decompression. When the decompression is completed, a new folder entitled “Serius Demo” will appear on the hard disk. Inside this folder you will find the demonstration application and its associated “Objects Folder” as well as tutorial files (parts 1 and 2). After the Serius Demo folder is created, you may dispose of the Serius Compacted application (keep the floppy copy as a backup).
The Serius Demo application is intended to introduce you to the Serius Desktop Programming environment and the accompanying tutorial will take you through the process of quickly and easily putting together a small application. The file “Painter Instructions.PICT” can be opened from inside the sample application that you will create. We recommend that you print the instructions in the enclosed tutorial (both parts 1 and 2) before using the Serius Demo application.
The first time you run Serius Demo, a file called System Configuration will be built in the Objects Folder on your disk. However, you will not be bothered by this somewhat lengthy building process on subsequent runs.
Serius Demo is a scaled down version of Serius Programmer, and because it was created for demonstration purposes, saving is not allowed. It requires 2 MB of RAM, and must be run from a hard disk. Most applications constructed with Serius Programmer or Serius Developer can run on machines with 1 MB of RAM.
This demo is freeware. By all means, feel free to give copies to your friends.
You will probably find answers to most of your questions about Serius in the Serius Q's and A's file. Look at the file "Object and Function List" for a complete list of objects and functions. If you have additional questions, please call our toll free number from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm MST: (800) 876-6847.
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